Hope Cimb 2021

SVB, Signature Bank and Silvergate Were PURPOSEFULLY Collapsed In Order To CRUSH Crypto

These video is brought to you by: The Kim Iversen Show, Dated March 14th, 2023. Entitled: SVB, Signature Bank and Silvergate Were PURPOSEFULLY Collapsed In Order To CRUSH Crypto. Excerpt from article: "Ultimately this is going to come out.".

Opinion: An interesting read on the takeover of Signature Bank and others. Kim Iversen has presented information that placing in question the takeover of Signature Bank. She believes that this was done to limit the growth or even stop the advancement of the cryptocurrency market, in order to allow the government to usher in a new system of banking called CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). The evidence that she provides in thought provoking and worth further investigation.

In regards to digital currency; Digital currency is system that allows the general population of many countries to invest in a whole range of products, including lending, games, investing, savings, trading, and more. I can see why the government would be alarmed at allowing the people to invest in a whole range of products that is ideally de-centralized and outside of their control. So the question is; Do government’s, under the control of the large financial institutions, seek to create a form of digital currency called CBDC, for their own use? Well I’m not going to say that it is impossible, especially after witnessing the shut down of the planet during the Pandemic, where people were being arrested for boogie boarding at an empty beach.    STILL EDITING..    –patDog

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