Silver Give Away Page. Feel free to Sign up for the latest give-away. The October Silver Give Away is Live.
Here are my silver bars and coins that I aquired through the years. Most all the silver was purchased through Ampex and I will be glad to provide original reciepts for all bars and coins.
The rules for this giveaway are this:
- There must be unleased one person apply for the event to continue.
- The person who recieves the Silver coin, should provide a comment that they have recieved it.
- You need to be unleased 13 Years of age to enter.
- If you are under 18, your parents will need to be part of all communications
A 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990810147 has been received.
recorded drawing Video for May 1st, 2021...
June Silver Bar Give Away has ENDED! 10oz. Silver Bar Has Been Sent. Sadly, I have Been notified that Timothy Passed Away in His Sleep. Timothy Will be Missed.
a 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990641854
recorded drawing for June 1st, 2021...
July Silver Bar Give Away has ENDED! 10oz. Silver Bar Has Been Recieved. William Foreman "I don't know what to say except Thank You so much for giving me an opportunity to win. I just received my 10 oz silver bar AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME !!!!
a 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990616664
This is a 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990616664

August Bar Giveaway has ended and Daren Mories is the winner. The silver has been sent, but no confirmation that it has been recieved. CONFIRMED DELIVERY....
This is a 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990649815

September Silver Bar Giveaway has ended and Ryan England is the winner. Waiting on confirmation.
This is a 10 oz Silver Bar – Royal Canadian mint with unique Serial Number 990609167

October Silver Bar Giveaway has ended and Laura Mosko is the winner. Waiting on confirmation.
This is a 10x 10 gram Silver Bar – Valcambi Silver CombiBar™ (w/Assay)
This is a 10x 10 gram Silver bar – Valcambi Silver CombiBar (w/Assay)
Here is a link to a new set (for reference)

November Silver Bar Giveaway has ended and Peter Seda is the winner. Waiting on confirmation.
this is a 10x 10 gram silver bar – valcambi silver combibar (w/assay)
Here is a link to a new set (for reference)

December Give Away - PENDING
There are 50 ounces of silver that will be given away to anyone in the world.INcluded shipping is $100.00 dollars max. If shipping exceeds this amount, than i will ask for a donation to cover the added cost, from the winner.