Hope Cimb 2021

Biden enacts permanent EMERGENCY powers over Ukraine | Redacted with Clayton Morris

This Video are brought to you by: Redacted, Dated: March 6th, 2023, Entitled, "Biden enacts permanent EMERGENCY powers over Ukraine | Redacted with Clayton Morris". Excerpt from Video: "Among the other things that the Brennan Center discovered, the president can, without congressional approval, use these emergency powers, to stop you from traveling"

Opinion: The prospect that the war in Ukraine will expand is becoming more likely, by an unwillingness to agree upon a negotiated peace plan. For individuals who express their disagreement with an expanded war and call into question the actions taken on both sides, the environment may become dangerous to live in. The reality is true for both sides and any dissenters will be treated poorly. Mama never said it was going to be easy and I know that full well, that is true. However if you do not stay true to what you are called for, then you will never be called upon again! Because when we are living in bunkers and subject to authoritarian rule, there will longer be any dissenters.—patDog

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