Hope Cimb 2021

DeSantis offers to ‘run a boat from Bahamas’ to get unvaxxed tennis star into Florida for the Miami Open

This Article and Video is brought to you by: American Wire, dated March 9th, 2023 and entitled: DeSantis offers to ‘run a boat from Bahamas’ to get unvaxxed tennis star into Florida for the Miami Open. Excerpt from video: "He is being discriminated against because he didn't take the MNRA covid Jab"

Opinion: Good for Governor Ron DeSantis!!.. I can't believe this crazy policy to deny entry into the country, if someone does not show proof of vaccination for Covid.. Haven't these authoritarians learned anything over the last couple of years? My own experience with Covid is that a strong immune system should allow you to beat it. That's not to say, people who are at risk shouldn't consider the pro's and con's of receiving this vaccination and make a decision based on their own personal judgment. We are all at risk, when government leaders do not think rationally.--patDog

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