Hope Climb Yard sotuvi Give-Away
Sizning ajoyib. Bahramand bo'ladigan narsalarni topdim.
Sizning ajoyib. Bahramand bo'ladigan narsalarni topdim.
Abadiy minnatdor. Rahmat. Siz bizni oldinga to'lashga ilhomlantirdingiz! Siz ilhomlantiruvchisiz!
Men Martin krovat uchun rahmat va (?)..
Thank you for the free yard sale. I can use everything. (Date ?)
Thank you for everything: It was great to meet you and thank you for everything for families in need. 02/26/22
Thank you so much Patrick for everything! What you are doing is truly amazing. You have such a kind heart & it really shows. You’ll be in my prayers & hopefully all goes well with your project. 02/26/22
You have made my day! I’m inspired by your actions! Keep on keepin on! I love my essential oils! 02/26/22
Bunday yaxshi ishorangiz uchun sizga katta rahmat.
GREAT!! Inspiring generous way to help people. Thank you! 02/26/22
Thank you for helping our community in this time of need. 02/26/22