Hope Cimb 2021


El presoner polític DC Gulag i el soldat de les forces especials de l'exèrcit condecorat Jeffrey McKellop revela l'abast dels agents governamentals a la protesta del Capitoli J6: VA SER UNA CONFIGURACIÓ COMPLETA! (àudio)

This story and audio Is brought to you by: Gateway Pundit, Dated: March 17Th, 2023. Entitled: HE HAS THE PROOF: DC Gulag Political Prisoner and Decorated Army Special Forces Soldier Jeffrey McKellop Reveals Extent of Government Agents at J6 Capitol Protest – IT WAS A COMPLETE SET-UP! (Audio). Excerpt from Audio: “Whoever was in the […]

El presoner polític DC Gulag i el soldat de les forces especials de l'exèrcit condecorat Jeffrey McKellop revela l'abast dels agents governamentals a la protesta del Capitoli J6: VA SER UNA CONFIGURACIÓ COMPLETA! (àudio) Llegeix més »

Vídeo: els federals estaven a tot el Capitoli el 6 de gener!

This story Is brought to you by: The Jimmy Doore Show, Dated: March 10rd, 2023. Entitled: “Video: Feds Were ALL OVER The Capitol On January 6!”. Excerpt from video: “They do this all the time, this what they do”. LINK to Video: Video: Feds Were ALL OVER The Capitol On January 6! Supporting Link: Wikipedia’s

Vídeo: els federals estaven a tot el Capitoli el 6 de gener! Llegeix més »

Tucker: "Vam veure tot el vídeo de seguretat del 6 de gener: el govern està mentint!"

This story Is brought to you by Speed The Shift and features a video by The Benny Show, Dated: March 6st, 2023. Entitled: “”Tucker: “We Watched All January 6th Security Video – The Government Is LYING!”. – Excerpt from Video: “You Cannot Befriend the American People, If you Lie To Them”” LINK to Video: Tucker:

Tucker: "Vam veure tot el vídeo de seguretat del 6 de gener: el govern està mentint!" Llegeix més »

Carta a un Mainstream Straddler
Viu no per mitges mentides

This story Is brought to you by Margaret Anna Alice, via The Off Guardian, Dated: March 1st, 2023. Entitled: “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler Live Not by Half-Lies”. Excerpt from article: “You’ve got your reputation to protect. Your credibility. Your grant funding” LINK to Article: Letter to a Mainstream Straddler Live Not by Half-Lies Opinion:

Carta a un Mainstream Straddler
Viu no per mitges mentides
Llegeix més »

""Un estudi antiextremista finançat pels contribuents britànics troba "textos clau" de Shakespeare, Orwell i Tolkien per als "supremacistes blancs""

This story brought to you by Tyler Durden, via ZeroHedge, who is reposting and elaborating upon a story authored by Sam Merriman, Chris Hastings and David Barrett, via Daily Mail. ZEROHEDGE, LINK to Article: “”British Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Extremist Study Finds Shakespeare, Orwell, Tolkien “Key Texts” For “White Supremacists”” DAILYMAIL, LINK to Article: “You must be having

""Un estudi antiextremista finançat pels contribuents britànics troba "textos clau" de Shakespeare, Orwell i Tolkien per als "supremacistes blancs"" Llegeix més »

Teoria de la ment: el que els escacs i els traficants de drogues et poden ensenyar sobre la manipulació

This story brought to you by Big Think – June 2, 2022, entitled, Theory of mind: What chess and drug dealers can teach you about manipulation. Excerpt from article: “he greatest tacticians of the world are those who think ahead” LINK to Article: Theory of mind: What chess and drug dealers can teach you about

Teoria de la ment: el que els escacs i els traficants de drogues et poden ensenyar sobre la manipulació Llegeix més »

skulls, moth, hands-7827155.jpg

Manipulació mediàtica de les masses: com els mitjans manipulen psicològicament

This story brought to you by PsychCentral and authored By Samuel López De Victoria, Ph.D. on February 6, 2012. LINK to article: “Media Manipulation of the Masses: How the Media Psychologically Manipulates.” Opinion: The tactics to dehumanize a persons or groups behavior is sublte and well thought out. The old saying, “dehumazing your ememy is

Manipulació mediàtica de les masses: com els mitjans manipulen psicològicament Llegeix més »

Emanuel Pastreich, parlant de "Com els superrics destrueixen les nostres ments"

This story is brought to you by Global Research and dated February 6th, 2023. According to Mr. Emanuel Pastreich, The tools they use to pursue this war against the citizens of the Earth are technology, propaganda and disinformation campaigns, threats against individuals who display leadership skills and massive bribes for the leaders who are allowed

Emanuel Pastreich, parlant de "Com els superrics destrueixen les nostres ments" Llegeix més »

"La comunitat científica va trair la confiança pública".

This video is brought to you by the Jimmy Dore show, Dated February 2nd, 2023 and features Jimmy Dore, discussing an article by newsweek “Science Community Betrayed Public Trust”. LINK to Article: “Science Community Betrayed Public Trust On COVID Purposely” – Says Newsweek Opinion: Jimmy Dore does a good job in breaking down the deception

"La comunitat científica va trair la confiança pública". Llegeix més »
