Hope Cimb 2021


La invasió russa d'Ucraïna als mapes: últimes actualitzacions

This story brought to you by Financial Times -February 6, 2023, entitled, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in maps — latest updates. Excerpt from article: “Latest troop movements in southern and eastern Ukraine” LINK to Article: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in maps — latest updates Opinion: This graphic representation of the war in Ukrain, is provides […]

La invasió russa d'Ucraïna als mapes: últimes actualitzacions Llegeix més »

Emanuel Pastreich, parlant de "Com els superrics destrueixen les nostres ments"

This story is brought to you by Global Research and dated February 6th, 2023. According to Mr. Emanuel Pastreich, The tools they use to pursue this war against the citizens of the Earth are technology, propaganda and disinformation campaigns, threats against individuals who display leadership skills and massive bribes for the leaders who are allowed

Emanuel Pastreich, parlant de "Com els superrics destrueixen les nostres ments" Llegeix més »

Contramesures contra la COVID-19: evidència de la intenció de fer mal | Sasha Latypova | Oracle Films

This video is brought to you by Dr. Morse TV, Dated-February 5, 2023, entitled, “COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm | Sasha Latypova | Oracle Films” – Excerpt from video: “I became very concerned and I started my own investigation”. LINK to Video: COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm | Sasha

Contramesures contra la COVID-19: evidència de la intenció de fer mal | Sasha Latypova | Oracle Films Llegeix més »

La IA perillosament seductora mostra per què val $29billion

This story is brought to you by Digital Engine, Dated January 22nd, 2023 and discusses recent advancements in robotics and AI. LINK to Article: “Experts say she will end humanity. Here’s the fix, with Elon Musk, ChatGPT, AI robots” Opinion: This technology will completely change the world as we know it. Technology has reached never

La IA perillosament seductora mostra per què val $29billion Llegeix més »

"La comunitat científica va trair la confiança pública".

This video is brought to you by the Jimmy Dore show, Dated February 2nd, 2023 and features Jimmy Dore, discussing an article by newsweek “Science Community Betrayed Public Trust”. LINK to Article: “Science Community Betrayed Public Trust On COVID Purposely” – Says Newsweek Opinion: Jimmy Dore does a good job in breaking down the deception

"La comunitat científica va trair la confiança pública". Llegeix més »

Ucraïna diu que Rússia reunirà 500.000 tropes a les fronteres per a una nova ofensiva important"

This article is brought to you by Zero Hedge and authored by Tyler Durden, Dated February 3rd, 2023. “The Ukrainian government is sounding the alarm ahead of the upcoming one-year Feb.24 anniversary of the Russian invasion, saying that Kremlin forces are amassing more troops on the border in preparation for a major new offensive. The

Ucraïna diu que Rússia reunirà 500.000 tropes a les fronteres per a una nova ofensiva important" Llegeix més »

Robert Kennedy Jr, parlant de l'experiment Milgram. *Amb enllaços afegits a "The Push", una presentació de NETFLIX

This Twitter feed is brought to you by Citizen Free Press, dated, February 1st, 2023 and features a vidoe by Robert Kennedy Jr., discussing amongth other things, an Expirement that was performed by Yale University in the 60’s. The expirament was called the Milgram Expirament, in which the goal of the experiment was to study

Robert Kennedy Jr, parlant de l'experiment Milgram. *Amb enllaços afegits a "The Push", una presentació de NETFLIX Llegeix més »
